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Autore Topic: Bug?  (Letto 4465 volte)


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« il: Novembre 01, 2011, 14:33:49 pm »
In sostanza creo il mio portale per l'altra dimensione (quello fatto di ossidiana). Entro. Quando esco, esco da un portale diverso (che io non ho mai creato). WTF

E' un bug conosciuto? Vi è mai successo? Uso la 1.9 pre5 (singleplayer)

Offline edo3

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Re: Bug?
« Risposta #1 il: Novembre 01, 2011, 14:37:22 pm »
Se crei il portale in una zona chiusa o con poco spazio ne ricrea un'altro.


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Re: Bug?
« Risposta #2 il: Novembre 01, 2011, 15:44:15 pm »
Se crei il portale in una zona chiusa o con poco spazio ne ricrea un'altro.

cosa significa? A me non sembra non ci sia spazio. Proverò a ricoprire intorno di terra
Grazie comunque

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Re: Bug?
« Risposta #3 il: Novembre 01, 2011, 15:47:23 pm »
Se continua è solo un bug.

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Re: Bug?
« Risposta #4 il: Novembre 01, 2011, 18:51:56 pm »
te lo spiego in inglese perchè l'italiano non lo capisci.

Linkage between Overworld and Nether
The closest portal to the corresponding location receives the player.
A new portal is spawned in the closest empty area if no portal is found in range.

The Nether is proportional to the Overworld in the 1:8 ratio in terms of horizontal distances. By moving 1 block horizontally in the Nether, players have moved the equivalent of 8 blocks on the Overworld. This does not apply on the Y-axis, as the Nether has the full 128 layers and is 1:1. Portals do not "remember" what portal they are linked to in the other world, but instead perform the following whenever a portal is used by a player:

    Calculate the destination coordinates based on the entry coordinates by flooring the X- and Z-coordinates (rounding down, not towards zero—an X- or Z-coordinate of -29.5 becomes -30, not -29), then multiplying or dividing them by 8 depending on direction of travel. The Y-coordinate is not modified. This translation can be represented by the following pseudocode:
    {X, Y, Z} → {floor(X) ×/÷ 8, Y, floor(Z) ×/÷ 8}
    At destination, the game looks for the closest active portal block within a 128-block "radius" (actually, a maximum distance along a horizontal axis) of the player (257 × 257 × 128 tall box volume centered on destination coordinate). An active portal is defined as a portal block that does not have another portal block below it, thus only the 2 lowest portal blocks in the obsidian frame are considered. If one exists, teleport the player to the closest one.
    If no active portal blocks exists in the above search region, the game creates one by looking for the closest possible valid position within a 16-block "radius" column (33 × 33 × 128 tall box volume centered on the destination coordinate) that has enough space to spawn a portal and is on solid ground. The game prefers to create the exit portal with the same facing orientation as the entry portal, but will check the other 3 directions as well. Regardless of orientation, the closest valid position is always picked.
    And if there are no valid spawn locations within the spawn region above, the game will finally create a portal at the destination coordinate (and clamp the Y-coordinate to between 70 and 118), converting any blocks (including air blocks) in the way into a portal. Such a portal has 4 extra obsidian blocks placed on both sides of the portal to prevent the player from falling.

This is described in more detail at
[edit] Implications
Overworld portals can go a long way, one way.
Nether portals go a relatively short distance; only the left Overworld portal is in range.

    Likelihood of 2 overworld portals linking to the same Nether portal - Normal World portals that are within 1024 distance of each other on either X or Z axis are almost always going to link to the same Nether realm portal on initial construction because 1024 translates to a distance of 128 in the Nether Realm, and the game checks for existing Portals within 128 "radius" around the destination (the 257x257x128 box).

    Pairing portals - To setup pairs of Nether portals properly so that they reliably travel to each other, it is best to build both portals manually. Build at desired location X,Y,Z in the Normal World. Then travel to the Nether World. And then dig your way to X/8, Y, Z/8, and build a portal there.
    A less precise method would be to temporarily deactivate all portals within a 128 block "radius" from within The Nether. Through death or with the aid of a second player, entering a new portal from the Normal World will force the creation of a new portal within the Nether which the Normal World portal should prefer. This is not recommended as it limits how close Normal World portals can be placed due to the Zone of exclusions and can lead to unpredictable placement of the resulting portal.

    Zones of exclusion - The Nether portal spawning algorithm can only spawn portals that is within a 33x33 block column centered on the destination. This will often cause it to spawn a portal at a location significantly different than the corresponding location in the other world. The larger the distance between two linked portals, the larger the zone of exclusion. This zone is the area in each world where you cannot build another portal without breaking the link between the first two portals. One way to think of this zone is as spheres around each portal, each of a true radius equal to its distance to the other. For example, if the Normal world portal was at (0,50,0) and the Nether portal at (0,100,0), then each portal is 50 meters away from the other. In this (simple) case, if a Nether portal was built closer than 50 meters to (0,50,0), then the Normal World portal will now link to it.
    If you wish to ensure that two portals link together, manually build portals as close as possible in all 3 coordinate axes. It doesn't have to be exact, or even all that close, if the player ensures that no other portals will be constructed in the exclusion zone created by the difference.

    1-way long distance teleport - The portal choosing algorithm can be used for long distance travel by manual construction at carefully selected coordinates. If the player has a Portal in Normal world at (0,64,0) but makes a Nether Portal at (127,64,127) with its perfect Normal World pair at (1016, 64, 1016), then the portal at (0,64,0) will go to the Nether Portal correctly (1-way trip) because it is the only portal available within the 128 search distance along X and Z horizontal axes of the expected Nether portal position of (0,64,0). In about 15 seconds, the player can then travel 1436 meters in the Normal World. This specific form of fast travel by Portal is one-way, since the Nether portal will not find this Normal World portal. Given that a railway in the nether would need to span only 180 meters to go this distance, it is usually not worth making such portal links. However, it is theoretically possible to make a one-way ring of portals, with each Normal World to Nether jump going a long distance, but such a ring would easily be disrupted due to the huge exclusion zones created.[4]

    Non-exploit water ladder replacement. - The Nether Portal is an also entirely viable, two-way replacement for the water or conventional ladder.[5]

    2-in-1 Nether Portals - It is possible to end up in a situation where a Nether Portal "randomly" places the player in 1 of 2 possible Normal World destination portals. This is simply because the Nether Portal has two effective coordinates as it is 2 blocks wide, say (X, Y, Z) on the left, and (X+1, Y, Z) on the right. If the player entered on the left side, (X, Y, Z) translates to (X*8, Y, Z*8) in the overworld and the game picks the portal closest to that. If the player entered on the right side, (X+1, Y, Z) translates to (X*8+8, Y, Z*8) and the game picks a portal closest to that point instead. This situation occurs when the Nether Portal's location is roughly equidistant between the 2 Normal World portals (within 8 blocks overworld distance difference). However, building 2 Nether Portals side by side is probably better for destination clarity than building a 2-in-1 portal. It is possible to span distances with pairs of portals in this way, though normally faster to simply walk through the Nether.[6]

    Spawning a portal in the air - It is possible for a destination Nether portal to spawn floating in the air above a lava lake. If your portal spawns in the air, it will generate a 1x2x1 obsidian platform in the front and back of the portal.This can only occur if there is no possible spawn location in the entire 33x33x128 column of search region to find a suitable spot to place a fresh new portal AND there are no existing portals within the 128 block "radius" to link to. (See image on right.)

Offline AnUbI87

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Re: Bug?
« Risposta #5 il: Novembre 02, 2011, 01:33:19 am »
Se crei il portale in una zona chiusa o con poco spazio ne ricrea un'altro.

cosa significa? A me non sembra non ci sia spazio. Proverò a ricoprire intorno di terra
Grazie comunque

studia invece di nerdare!

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Re: Bug?
« Risposta #6 il: Novembre 02, 2011, 11:39:42 am »
In sostanza creo il mio portale per l'altra dimensione (quello fatto di ossidiana). Entro. Quando esco, esco da un portale diverso (che io non ho mai creato). WTF

E' un bug conosciuto? Vi è mai successo? Uso la 1.9 pre5 (singleplayer)

Non è un bug, è successo anche a me.

Il Nether ha un'area (lunghezza e larghezza) pari ad 1 ottavo dell'Overworld e quando ritorni dal Nether il gioco ricalcola le tue coordinate di arrivo e se c'è spazio ti ci crea un portale.

Immagina la mia contentezza dopo aver costruito cazzi e mazzi, aver provato un portale per il Nether ed essermi ritrovato sperduto in culo ai lupi(R) una volta tornato nel mondo normale (ci dovrebbe essere un mio post dal tono terrorizzato sul forum ufficiale da qualche parte).

La soluzione migliore è:

1) Costruisci un portale dove più ti aggrada.

2) Premi F3 e prendi le tue coordinate dell'Overworld. Dividi larghezza e lunghezza (X e Z) per 8 e segnati tutto su un foglio.

3) Con tutto il "necessaire" per scavare (tante pale) e fare un portale (ossidiana, pietra focaia), vai nel Nether e scava una via verso le coordinate che hai calcolato. Occhio a non fare docce di lava.

4) Una volta sul punto costruisci il portale di uscita.

Congratulazioni, adesso hai un passaggio sicuro 1:1 verso il Nether.


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Re: Bug?
« Risposta #7 il: Novembre 02, 2011, 13:12:03 pm »
studia invece di nerdare!
ho appena dato un esame e l'uni inizia il 7. E' tempo di nerdare :P

Offline AnUbI87

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Re: Bug?
« Risposta #8 il: Novembre 02, 2011, 13:30:44 pm »
studia invece di nerdare!
ho appena dato un esame e l'uni inizia il 7. E' tempo di nerdare :P

cazzo dovresti averla finita già da 3 anni quella laurea .... a lavurar gabanon!!!!!